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Worrying Won’t Win

Author: Montague Glass


In a world filled with uncertainty, one thing is certain: worrying won’t win. Join Montague Glass on a journey through the ups and downs of life and discover the power of a positive mindset in this uplifting collection of short stories.

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Worrying Won’t Win is a collection of short stories that explore the human condition, particularly the ways in which people respond to life’s challenges and setbacks. With wit and wisdom, Montague Glass takes readers on a journey through the joys and sorrows of life, reminding us that worrying never solves anything.

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10 reviews for Worrying Won’t Win

  1. Christine Dupont

    Une lecture inspirante pour tous ceux qui cherchent à surmonter l’anxiété. Montague Glass offre des conseils pratiques et pertinents pour mieux gérer nos inquiétudes.

  2. Andreas Müller

    Ein sehr hilfreiches Buch, das mir geholfen hat, meine Ängste und Sorgen in den Griff zu bekommen. Montague Glass gibt klare und verständliche Ratschläge, die leicht umzusetzen sind.

  3. Sarah Odinizi

    A must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to deal with worry and anxiety. Montague Glass provides practical advice that is easy to implement in your daily life.

  4. João Silva

    Um livro excelente que me ajudou a lidar melhor com minhas preocupações e ansiedades. Montague Glass apresenta dicas práticas e úteis para lidar com o estresse e a pressão do dia a dia.

  5. Olga Ivanova

    Отличная книга, которую я рекомендую всем, кто сталкивается с беспокойством и тревогой. Монтегю Гласс дает практические советы, которые легко применить в повседневной жизни.

  6. Miguel Álvarez

    Este libro es una joya. Me ayudó a dejar de preocuparme por cosas pequeñas y a enfocarme en lo que realmente importa en la vida.

  7. Yuka Nakamura


  8. Ahmed K. Hassan

    كتاب ممتاز يساعد على التغلب على القلق والتوتر. يقدم مونتاغو غلاس نصائح عملية وفعالة للتحكم في القلق والتفكير بشكل إيجابي.

  9. Laura Rossi

    Un libro che consiglio a tutti coloro che vogliono imparare a gestire l’ansia e le preoccupazioni. Montague Glass offre una prospettiva illuminante e dei consigli pratici per superare i momenti difficili.

  10. Li Wei


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